

Reactive hypoglycemia: Treatment

Causes             Symptoms            Definition

To relieve reactive hypoglycemia, some health professionals recommend taking the following steps: 

§  Eat small meals and snacks about every 3 hours. 

§  Exercise regularly. 

§  Eat a variety of foods, including meat, poultry, fish, or non-meat sources of protein, foods such as whole-grain bread, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. 

§  Choose high-fiber foods and food with a moderate-to-low glycemic index.

§  Avoid or limit foods high in sugar, especially on an empty stomach. 

§  Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and highly starchy foods such as white rice, potatoes, corn, and popcorn (all very high on the glycemic index). 

§  Adding soluble fibers (e.g., 5 to 10 grams of hemicellulose , pectin or guar gum) to a meal may help to relieve symptoms, especially in dumping syndrome.

§  Limiting total intake of carbohydrate to 130 grams/day can reduce the severity of symptoms. 

Your doctor can refer you to a registered dietitian for personalized meal planning advice. Although some health professionals recommend a diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates, studies have not proven the effectiveness of this kind of diet for reactive hypoglycemia. If the diet does not provide a relief in symptoms, there are some medications which can be useful in reactive hypoglycemia, and that should be administrated only by a physician. 








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