Serum Biochemical Markers of
Acute Pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis usually occurs as a
result of alcohol abuse or bile duct obstruction. A
careful review of the patient's history and appropriate
laboratory studies can help the physician identify the
etiology of the condition and guide management. Prompt
identification of patients who need intensive care
referral or subspecialty consultation is
The number of serum biomarkers used to
detect and assess severity and prognosis of acute
pancreatitis (AP) is
In recent years urinary trypsinogen-2,
trypsinogen activation peptide, procalcitonin,
interleukin 6, C-reactive protein (CRP), phospholipase
A(2), serum amyloid A, have been suggested as
replacements for amylase and lipase; even ALT and
bilirubin have been used to suggest a gallstone as the
Serum amylase remains the most commonly
used biochemical marker for the diagnosis of acute
pancreatitis, but its sensitivity can be reduced by late
presentation, hypertriglyceridaemia, and chronic
alcoholism. The advantages of amylase are its technical
simplicity, availability and high sensitivity. Its
greatest disadvantage is its low specificity. A normal
amylase would usually exclude the diagnosis of AP, with
the exception of AP secondary to hyperlipidemia, acute
exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, and when the
estimation of amylase is delayed in the course of the
The major advantage of lipase is an
increased sensitivity in acute alcoholic pancreatitis and
in patients who initially present to the emergency room
days after the onset of the disease, as lipase remains
elevated longer than
Simultaneous estimation of amylase and
lipase does not improve the accuracy. A recent survey
from several laboratories when both amylase and lipase
were ordered tends to confirm this – when one is normal
the other is most often normal and when one is abnormal
so is the other.
Some clinicians feel that serum lipase
is a more reliable diagnostic marker of AP than serum
amylase; others argue that
urinary trypsinogen-2 is convenient, of
comparable diagnostic accuracy and provides greater (99%)
negative predictive value; others suggest that the serum
trypsin level is the most accurate laboratory indicator
for AP and still others feel that C-reactive protein
(CRP) remains the most useful. To some CRP is still the
reference parameter of all predictors indicating severe
disease and pancreatic
While most parameters peak early and
decrease rapidly thereafter, C-reactive protein (CRP),
phospholipase A(2), procalcitonin and serum amyloid A are
reliable predictors with persistently elevated levels in
severe disease. So far, no single parameter has been
developed which is suitable for early prediction of
infected pancreatic
It seems that there is not yet a
consensus on which marker(s) to use. My conversations
with those in the field suggest that both amylase and
lipase in tandem is the most common approach. The data do
not suggest that this is the best
David Plaut