CRP Test May Not
Predict Heart Disease
Studies Show High C-Reactive Protein Levels Are Not a Cause of
Heart Disease
By Daniel J.
DeNoon, WebMD Health
CRP, once blamed as
being one of the body's bad guys, doesn't cause
disease -- and CRP tests aren't
much help in predicting heart disease, new studies
Blood levels of CRP --
protein -- rise when there
in the body.
inflammation plays a major role in heart disease,
and increased CRP levels are linked to increased risk of heart
But a huge international
study now confirms earlier reports that CRP itself
does not cause heart disease. The study shows that people
genes cause them to make more-
or less-than-normal amounts of CRP do not have more or less
heart disease.
Thus CRP-lowering drugs now under development "are unlikely to
be fruitful," conclude study researchers Paul Elliott, FRCP, of
Imperial College, London, and colleagues.
Another new study shows that increased levels of CRP do mean a
statistically increased risk of heart disease. But the
increased risk is marginal and adds very little, if anything,
to more traditional markers of heart disease
The study, by Olle Melander, MD, PhD, of Lund University in
Malmo, Sweden, and colleagues followed more than 5,000 people
for nearly 13 years. At the time the study began, participants'
average age was 58 and they were free of heart
Melander and colleagues concluded that while CRP and other
"biomarkers" of heart risk may be statistically significant,
they are not always clinically meaningful.
"In the future, better biomarkers and more creative strategies
for combining them will be needed," suggest Svati H. Shah, MD,
of Duke University and James A. de Lemos, MD, of the University
of Texas Southwest Medical Center, in an editorial accompanying
the two studies.
The editorial, and the Melander and Elliott studies, appear in
the July 1 issue of The Journal of the
American Medical Association.
SOURCES: Shah, S.H. and de Lemos, J.A. The Journal of the
American Medical Association, July 1, 2009; vol 302: pp
92-93. Melander, O. The Journal of the
American Medical Association, July 1, 2009; vol 302: pp
49-57. Elliott, P. The Journal of the
American Medical Association, July 1, 2009; vol 302: pp