Hospital finance: a primer for the Wannabe’
lab managers
The cornerstone to any successful business is its financial
structure. The concept is no different for hospital
laboratories than for other businesses. Most laboratorians,
however, did not enter the field of laboratory medicine with the
idea of becoming a financial manager. But in today’s cost
conscious hospital environment, running an efficient business is
essential for the survival of both the laboratory and its
manager - and successful lab managers know how to prepare
accurate budgets. What follows is the “how
of the budgeting process, which
Has three major components:.
1. determining anticipated
2.costing out the product; and
3.justifying capital needs .
Laboratorians are really in the answer business.
as our subject. The physician asks: “What is the glucose value
in this patient?” The laboratorian answers: “100 mg/dL.” In
order to prepare an accurate budget, a lab manager needs to
know how many “answers” his lab will need to produce in the
coming fiscal year.
In a hospital, the lab manager
must know his lab’s anticipated workload. These figures usually
come from the hospital’s finance department, which can provide
an assumption for the number of patient days for the new fiscal
year as well as a historical perspective on required lab
testing per patient day.With this information, the lab manager
can develop production estimates.
If the lab conducts outreach, the
manager should utilize
lab’s historical data - while making adjustments based on input
from the marketing/sales department regarding winning,losing,
and retaining clients. The same applies to the lab’s
out-patient workload, except that the keeper of this
information isagain the hospital’s finance department.Having
analyzed all of this historical data, the lab manager can now
determine his lab’s workload for the new fiscal year. This
assumes, of course, that he knows the information supplied from
both the hospital’s finance department and his own outreach
department is accurate and valid. By knowing what has happened
in past years, he should be able to determine whether the data
is an understatement or an overstatement and whether he needs
to make adjustments.
Accurately cost out lab
lab manager’s next task is to cost out the production of this
workload for the new fiscal year. To do this, he needs
If the
system works true to form, hospital administrators will
likely ask the lab manager to trim some budget
understand what resources the lab will need
and what those resources will cost. This is where
cost-accounting tasks come into play.
A lab manager needs to know
exactly what is involved, for example, in producing a “glucose
answer.” He must know:
1. How the doctor asks his question: on paper, by phone, or by
For his lab to answer a physician by any of these methods, he
will need to spend money to obtain necessary
resources such as front-office assistants and
forms or computer personnel and hardware, or
2. How the sample is obtained from the patient.
Does the lab supply the resource needed to obtain the sample,
or does that resource come from nursing’s budget? Are materials
such as vacutainers and needles supplied by the lab? If the lab
supplies the labor and materials, the lab manager must include
those costs in his calculation to determine the lab’s
3. How the sample is transported to the lab.
Is a pneumatic tube system available, or do phlebotomists
samples. Does the lab have to pay for maintenance
the pneumatic tube system? If so, the lab manager
factor in these
4. Where the sample goes when it arrives in the lab.
Does it go to a central preparation area? What are the
resources needed to prepare the sample for analysis? Is it
centrifuged down and poured off? What resources are needed in
this area? Personnel, disposables, centrifuge maintenance,
centrifuge equipment depreciation - all are part of the lab’s
5. Who moves the sample from the central processing
Does the central lab provide labor to transfer the sample to
the lab doing the testing? How is the sample scheduled for
testing? Is clerical work necessary before testing? All are
part of the lab’s costs.
6. Before the lab runs the sample, someone needs to calibrate
the analyzer and run the controls.
This requires labor and materials. The lab manager must factor
these expenses into product-cost
7. When the sample is ready to run on the analyzer, the lab
must either use disposables or direct tube the sample.
If disposables are used, the lab manager must gather and
include these costs.
8. The testing equipment is either bought and depreciated or
What about these depreciation or leasing costs? The lab manager
needs to include them, too.
9. The analyzer must be maintained.
How is this handled? Is there a maintenance contract? Do lab
personnel have to conduct periodic maintenance? He must include
this resource utilization and any contract
10. Someone usually reviews the results before they are
This requires labor that the lab manager must account for in
his budget.
11. The answer must be relayed to the doctor.
By phone? By computer? On paper with delivery to the patient
floors? Who pays for this? This lab labor is part of the
12. Management keeps the organization functional.
He must include these labor costs.
13. Labs often refer tests.
He must budget this cost, too.
14. The lab manager will realize that he must include many
other items in his lab’s cost structure.
Other costs will include blood and blood products for blood
bank, consultant and/or pathologist salaries, couriers and
courier cars, travel, meetings, books, and regulatory fees. He
must also include costs for such services as uniform
laundry/dry cleaning. Payroll expenses will include deductions
for Social Security (FICA) taxes and health insurance benefits.
Overhead will include such items as rent, electricity, phone
service, and security. In
hospitals, these are allocated expenses that are assigned to
the laboratory by the finance
The lab manager may want to
further subdivide these
order to prepare the lab budget, a manager must add all of the
previously mentioned items in each category that he anticipates
spending. If the system works true to form,hospital
administrators will likely ask the lab manager to trim some
budget items.
Depreciation of lab
There are usually two budgets produced in a hospital. One is
for operational expenses - the essential items an organization
must purchase to maintain its business (i.e., employees’ wages
qualify here). The other is for capital expenses - those costs
that will provide the organization with a long-term benefit.
While not tax deductible as a business expense in one lump sum,
capital costs may be depreciated or amortized.
is a term that denotes the fact that capital equipment ages and
that a business must put aside funds to eventually replace it.
If an analyzer costs $100,000, and the lab keeps it for five
years, the yearly depreciation is calculated by dividing
$100,000 by five, for a figure of $20,000. Every year, the lab
manager must account for this expense and add
depreciation to his costs in order to bill
enough to replace it. For example, he could add $0.40 to the
cost of the lab’s 50,000 tests per year ($20,000 divided by
50,000) to recoup the initial cost of the
In order to justify
purchasing capital equipment
for a hospital lab, a
manager needs to prove that e
piece of equipment he wants is an investment
in the facility’s
If he wants, the lab manager
could reduce this cost per test in two different ways. First,
he could decide that the equipment will last longer than five
years. For example, if he decides to keep the analyzer for
seven years, he will have an annual depreciation of $14,386
($100,000 divided by seven), and the cost per test would be
$0.29 ($14,386 divided by 50,000). Second,he could run more
samples through the analyzer every
the annual volume were 75,000, the cost per test would be
reduced from $0.40 to $0.27. Unfortunately, most hospital labs
have no certain method of attracting more business so the lab
manager would have a hard time justifying a huge increase in
Justify capital
order to justify purchasing capital equipment for a hospital
lab, a manager needs to prove that each piece of equipment he
wants is an investment in the facility’s future. To evaluate
such purchases, most institutions use a five-year pro-forma a
financial model that compares the cost of the equipment to the
revenue it will generate. In the case of a lab, the proforma
would include all the expenses necessary to develop a product
using the capital equipment as well as all the revenue
generated by that product. The pro-forma is usually
in a
spreadsheet using software such as
Specific financial terms used in a
pro-forma include:
Discounted cash flows:
This is the revenue generated each of the five years in the
pro-forma. The revenue is reduced (discounted) by a number
similar to the annual inflation rate called the
discount rate.
Since this rate is determined by a complex calculation, the
hospital’s finance department will supply it to the lab manager.
The rate takes into account interest rates and money lost to
other investments by investing in the
Net present value or NPV:
This is the sum of five years of discounted
cash flows
in the pro-forma minus the cost of the equipment. If this is a
positive number, the hospital’s finance department will consider
the investment valid. Still, this does not mean the hospital
will approve the lab’s capital expenses because the lab is
competing against other departments for the hospital’s capital
Payback period:
This is the cost of an item divided by its annual generated
revenue. This equals the number of years to pay back the
investment. On a five-year pro-forma, the payback should occur
in two to three years, usually not any
Return on investment or ROI:
This is the monies or percentage of gain earned on investment
and is calculated by the following formula:
Internal rate of return or IRR:
This is the discount rate that makes the NPV = $0.00. This is
determined by computer since the answer is determined by
iteration. This means that the lab manager keeps substituting
numbers in the formula until he sees the NPV = $0.00. Excel
does this automatically.
Hurdle rate:
This is the minimum IRR required for funding a project. The
hospital’s finance department will give
number to the lab manager. The hurdle rate is usually higher
than the standard discount rate because the hospital’s finance
department wants to make sure that if any of the lab’s revenue
assumptions are not on target that there is a cushion to fall
back on.
The hospital then evaluates the
lab manager’s investment
request to see how it compares to the ROI
from other departments and usually tries to select those
investments that return the most revenue to the
lab manager should understand that there are some capital items
that he can never justify with a pro-forma. Instead, he should
present these items as strategic investments for the
institution. A lab makes strategic investments in order to
remain competitive - even though the investment will not show a
positive return.
hospital computer system is a good example of a strategic
investment. If the hospital does not have a computer system, it
cannot compete with the other hospitals in its region that have
one. Doctors will not usually work at a hospital that does not
have a computer system, and certain vendors will not sell
products to a hospital that does not have one because of a
requirement for automated purchasing systems.
hospital administrators try to justify a
multimillion-dollar system with labor savings, they will
never re-deploy enough people to justify the expense; but
without a computer system, that hospital is out of
business. The hospital
make this
Evaluating laboratory finances is
complex and challenging for the lab manager. With the right
information processed in orderly steps, budgeting is, however,
a completely manageable task. Laboratorians should stir up
their appetite for financial management. Some hands-on classes
can help them completely understand and master basic financial
tools. And as a result of their newly acquired skills, they
will become very successful lab
By Lawrence J. Crolla,