Imagine all your employees working towards a
common goal and at 100% capacity. Think of how
much more productive your team will be when
they all do their individual roles properly
without you breathing down their
Motivation is important in keeping employees
and getting them to perform above average. You
do not want employees to resign just because
they feel like they are in a rut or worse give
very little effort seemingly just waiting for
their pay checks, do you?
Motivating employees can be done in a lot of
ways, some more expensive than others but all
quite effective. As long as you are willing to
invest time or resources you can start
motivating employees.
The most common way of motivating employees is
giving them an incentive. In a simple analogy
incentive motivation is:
Do X work and you will get X
Rewards can be in the form of money, items, or
events. A performing employee can receive a pay
raise which not only keeps him or her
performing well but gets others to perform as
well so they can get their own pay raises. You
may also give rewards such as books, electronic
gadgets, even movie tickets as special rewards
for doing a great job. You can also throw
parties or cook offs just to show how much you
appreciate what your employee has been
contributing to your team.
Incentives cost some money but the amount of
money you shell out to boost performance would
definitely be nothing compared to the success
your team can achieve when they are all
motivated and giving their best
Recognition is the cheaper way to motivating
employees but is just as effective as
incentives. Recognition as the word implies
involves recognizing and appreciating an
employee's performance.
A considerable amount of time and effort is
important to get recognition to work for you.
You should know your employees well enough to
understand how to show them that they are
appreciated. Each individual has his or her own
preferred means of praise so you as a motivator
should be careful.
Some employees would like to be recognized in
public or in front of their peers while some
would prefer a private pat on the back and a
few sincere words of gratitude. Knowing the
very small yet significant details that are
crucial to giving the proper type of
recognition involves a lot of work and
You would need to go around the office once a
while and speak to employees to understand who
they are and therefore find the most effective
way of motivating them. Some employees can be
motivated by something as simple as moving
their shifts a few hours later or earlier,
things that you would not know unless you get
to know your employees beyond a superficial
level. Recognition even breeds loyalty which
some will argue is better than
Both incentives and recognition will work to
get employees motivated. A combination of both
would definitely push performance and
productivity far beyond what you
Vargas has extensive writing experience. When
she is not writing about employee motivation
she researches
forensic science
programs and
forensic science
degree schools.
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